The purpose of this package is to automatically infer Gaussian process (GP) models of time series data, hence the name AutoGP.

At a high level, a Gaussian process $\{X(t) \mid t \in T \}$ is a family of random variables indexed by some set $T$. For time series data, the index set $T = \mathbb{R}$ is typically (a subset) of the real numbers. For any list of $n$ time points $[t_1, \dots, t_n]$, the prior distribution of the random vector $[X(t_1), \dots, X(t_n)]$ is a multivariate Gaussian,

\[\begin{aligned} \begin{bmatrix} X(t_1)\\ \vdots \\ X(t_n)\\ \end{bmatrix} \sim \mathrm{MultivariteNormal} \left( \begin{bmatrix} m(t_1)\\ \vdots \\ m(t_n)\\ \end{bmatrix}, \begin{bmatrix} k_\theta(t_1, t_1) & \dots & k_\theta(t_1, t_n) \\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ k_\theta(t_n, t_1) & \dots & k_\theta(t_n, t_n) \\ \end{bmatrix} \right). \end{aligned}\]

In the equation above $m : T \to \mathbb{R}$ is the mean function and $k_\theta: T \times T \to \mathbb{R}_{\ge 0}$ is the covariance (kernel) function parameterized by $\theta$. We typically assume (without loss of generality) that $m(t) = 0$ for all $t$ and focus our modeling efforts on the covariance kernel $k_\theta$. The structure of the kernel dictates the qualitative properties of $X$, such as the existence of linear trends, seasonal components, changepoints, etc.; refer to the kernel cookbook for an overview of these concepts.

Gaussian processes can be used as priors in Bayesian nonparametric models of time series data $[Y(t_1), \dots, Y(t_n)]$ as follows. We assume that each $Y(t_i) = g(X(t_i), \epsilon(t_i))$ for some known function $g$ and noise process $\epsilon(t_i)$. A common choice is to let $Y$ be a copy of $X$ corrupted with i.i.d. Gaussian innovations, which gives $Y(t_i) = X(t_i) + \epsilon(t_i)$ where $\epsilon(t_i) \sim \mathrm{Normal}(0, \eta)$ for some variance $\eta > 0$.

Writing out the full model

\[\begin{aligned} k &\sim \mathrm{PCFG} &&\textrm{(prior over covariance kernel)} \\ [\theta_1, \dots, \theta_{d(k)}] &\sim p_{k} && \textrm{(parameter prior)}\\ \eta &\sim p_{\eta} &&\textrm{(noise prior)} \\ [X(t_1), \dots, X(t_n)] &\sim \mathrm{MultivariteNormal}(\mathbf{0}, [k_\theta(t_i,t_j)]_{i,j=1}^n) &&\textrm{(Gaussian process)} \\ Y(t_i) &\sim \mathrm{Normal}(X(t_i), \eta), i=1,\dots,n &&\textrm{(noisy observations)} \end{aligned}\]

where PCFG denotes a probabilistic-context free grammar that defines a language of covariance kernel expressions $k$,

\[\begin{aligned} B &:= \texttt{Linear} \mid \texttt{Periodic} \mid \texttt{GammaExponential} \mid \dots \\ \oplus &:= \texttt{+} \mid \texttt{*} \mid \texttt{ChangePoint} \\ k &:= B \mid \texttt{(}k_1 \oplus k_2\texttt{)}. \end{aligned}\]

and $d(k)$ is the number of parameters in expression $k$. Given data $\{(t_i,y_i)\}_{i=1}^n$, AutoGP infers likely values of the symbolic structure of the covariance kernel $k$, the kernel parameters $\theta$, and the observation noise variance $\eta$.

The ability to automatically synthesize covariance kernels in AutoGP is in contrast to existing Gaussian process libraries such as GaussianProcess.jl sklearn.gaussian_process, GPy, and GPyTorch, which all require users to manually specify $k$.

After model fitting, users can query the models to generate forecasts, compute probabilities, and inspect qualitative structure.

Model Initialization

struct GPModel

A GPModel contains covariance kernel structures and parameters for modeling data.


  • pf_state::Gen.ParticleFilterState: Internal particle set.
  • config::GP.GPConfig=GP.GPConfig(): User-specific customization, refer to GP.GPConfig.
  • ds::IndexType: Observed time points.
  • y::Vector{<:Real}: Observed time series values.
  • ds_transform::Transforms.LinearTransform: Transformation of time to direct space.
  • y_transform::Transforms.LinearTransform: Transformation of observations to direct space.


model = GPModel(

See also

To perform learning given the data, refer to


Set the random seed of the global random number generator.

IndexType = Union{Vector{<:Real}, Vector{<:Dates.TimeType}}

Permitted Julia types for Gaussian process time points. Real numbers are ingested directly, treated as time points.. Instances of Dates.TimeType are converted to numeric time points by using Dates.datetime2unix.


End-to-End Model Fitting

    callback_fn::Function=(; kwargs...) -> nothing)

Infer the structure and parameters of an appropriate Gaussian process covariance kernel for modeling the observed data. Inference is performed using sequential Monte Carlo.


  • model::GPModel: Instance of the GPModel to use.
  • schedule::Vector{<:Integer}: Schedule for incorporating data for SMC, refer to Schedule.
  • n_mcmc::Int: Number of involutive MCMC rejuvenation steps.
  • n_hmc::Int: Number of HMC steps per accepted involutive MCMC step.
  • biased::Bool: Whether to bias the proposal to produce "short" structures.
  • shuffle::Bool=true: Whether to shuffle indexes ds or incorporate data in the given order.
  • adaptive_resampling::Bool=true: If true resamples based on ESS threshold, else at each step.
  • adaptive_rejuvenation::Bool=false: If true rejuvenates only if resampled, else at each step.
  • hmc_config::Dict: Configuration for HMC inference on numeric parameters. Allowable keys are:
    • n_exit::Integer=1: Number of successive rejections after which HMC loop is terminated.
    • L_param::Integer=10 Number of leapfrog steps for kernel parameters.
    • L_noise::Integer=10: Number of leapfrog steps for noise parameter.
    • eps_param::Float64=0.02: Step size for kernel parameters.
    • eps_noise::Float64=0.02: Step size for noise parameter.
  • verbose::Bool=false: Report progress to stdout.
  • check::Bool=false: Perform dynamic correctness checks during inference.
  • config::GP.GPConfig=GP.GPConfig(): User-specific customization, refer to GP.GPConfig.
  • callback_fn: A callback for monitoring inference, must be generated by AutoGP.Callbacks.make_smc_callback.
    callback_fn::Function=(; kwargs...) -> nothing)

Perform n_mcmc steps of involutive MCMC on the structure, with n_hmc steps of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo sampling on the parameters per accepted involutive MCMC move.

A callback_fn can be provided to monitor the progress each MCMC step for which at least one particle (i.e, chain) accepted a transition. Its signature must contain a single varargs specifier, which will be populated with keys :model, :step, :elapsed.


The callback_fn imposes a roughly 2x runtime overhead as compared to the equivalent mcmc_structure! method, because parallel execution must be synchronized across the particles to invoke the callback at each step. The :elapsed variable provided to the callback function will still reflect an accurate estimate of the inference runtime without this overhead. If no callback is required, use mcmc_structure! instead.

function fit_greedy!(
        callback_fn::Function=(; kwargs...) -> nothing)

Infer the structure and parameters of an appropriate Gaussian process covariance kernel for modeling the observed data. Inference is performed using greedy search, as described in Algorithm 2 of Kim and Teh, 2018. It is an error if max_depth is not a finite positive number.

A callback_fn can be provided to monitor the search progress at each stage. Its signature must contain a single varargs specifier, which will be populated with keys :model, :step, :elapsed at each step of the greedy search.


Incremental Model Fitting

add_data!(model::GPModel, ds::IndexType, y::Vector{<:Real})

Incorporate new observations (ds, y) into model.

maybe_resample!(model::GPModel, ess_threshold::Real)

Resample the particle collection in model if ESS is below ess_threshold. Setting ess_threshold = AutoGP.num_particles(model) + 1 will ensure that resampling always takes place, since the ESS is upper bounded by the number of particles.

mcmc_structure!(model::GPModel, n_mcmc::Integer, n_hmc::Integer;
    biased::Bool=false, verbose::Bool=false, check::Bool=false)

Perform n_mcmc steps of involutive MCMC on the structure, with n_hmc steps of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo sampling on the parameters per accepted involutive MCMC move.

mcmc_parameters!(model::GPModel, n_hmc::Integer; verbose::Bool=false, check::Bool=false)

Perform n_hmc steps of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo sampling on the parameters.


Model Querying

predictions = predict(

Return predictions for new index point ds, and optionally quantiles corresponding to the provided quantiles (numbers between 0 and 1, inclusive). By default, the noise_pred of the new data is equal to the inferred noise of the observed data within each particle in model; using noise_pred=0. returns the posterior distribution over the noiseless function values.

The returned DataFrames.DataFrame has columns ["ds", "particle", "weight", "y_mean"], as well as any additional columns for the requested quantiles.


julia> ds = [Dates.Date(2020,1,1), Dates.Date(2020,1,2)] # Dates to query
julia> GPModel.predict(model, ds; quantiles=[.025, 0.975])
16×6 DataFrame
 Row │ ds          particle  weight       y_0.025    y_0.975    y_mean
     │ Date        Int64     Float64      Float64    Float64    Float64
   1 │ 2020-01-01         1  4.97761e-22  -13510.0   14070.6      280.299
   2 │ 2020-01-02         1  4.97761e-22  -13511.0   14071.6      280.299
   3 │ 2020-01-01         2  0.279887       4504.73   8211.43    6358.08
   4 │ 2020-01-02         2  0.279887       4448.06   8154.3     6301.18
   5 │ 2020-01-01         3  0.0748059    -43638.6   65083.0    10722.2
   6 │ 2020-01-02         3  0.0748059    -43662.0   65074.7    10706.4
   7 │ 2020-01-01         4  0.60809      -17582.2   30762.4     6590.06
   8 │ 2020-01-02         4  0.60809      -17588.0   30771.5     6591.78
function predict_proba(model::GPModel, ds::IndexType, y::Vector{<:Real})

Compute predictive probability of data y at time points ds under model.


julia> ds = [Dates.Date(2020,1,1), Dates.Date(2020,1,2)] # Dates to query
julia> y = [0.1, .0.5] # values to query
julia> GPModel.predict(model, ds, y)
7×3 DataFrame
 Row │ particle  weight       logp
     │ Int64     Float64      Float64
   1 │        1  0.0287155    -64.2388
   2 │        2  0.0437349    -59.7672
   3 │        3  0.576247     -62.6499
   4 │        4  0.00164846   -59.5311
   5 │        5  0.215255     -61.066
   6 │        6  0.134198     -64.4041
   7 │        7  0.000201078  -68.462
dist = predict_mvn(model::GPModel, ds::IndexType; noise_pred::Union{Nothing,Float64}=nothing)

Return an instance of Distributions.MixtureModel representing the overall posterior predictive distribution for data at index points ds. By default, the noise_pred of the new data is equal to the inferred noise of the observed data within each particle in model; using noise_pred=0. returns the posterior distribution over the noiseless function values.

The returned dist has precisely num_particles(model) components, each of type Distributions.MvNormal, with weights particle_weights(model). These objects can be retrieved using Distributions.components and Distributions.probs, respectively.

(x::Vector, success::Bool) = predict_quantile(
    model::GPModel, ds::IndexType, q::Real;
    noise_pred::Union{Nothing,Float64}=nothing, tol=1e-5, max_iter=1e6)

Evaluates the inverse cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the multivariate Gaussian mixture model returned by predict_mvn at q (between 0 and 1, exclusive) separately for each dimension. The returned vector x has the same length as the index points ds.


The inverse CDF is numerically estimated using a binary search algorithm. The keyword arguments tol and max_iter correspond to the desired absolute tolerance of the estimate and the maximum number of binary search iterations, respectively. The returned Boolean variable success indicates whether the returned value x has been located to within the specified error tolerance.

See also

function decompose(model::GPModel)

Decompose each particle within model into its constituent kernels. Supposing that num_particles(model) equals $k$, the return value models::Vector{GPModel} of decompose is a length-$k$ vector of GPModel instances.

Therefore, models[i] is a GPModel that represents the decomposition of particle i in model into its constituent kernels. Each particle in models[i] corresponds to a kernel fragment in the covariance for particle i of model (i.e., one particle for each GP.Node in the covariance kernel).

The weights of models[i] are arbitrary and have no meaningful value.

This function is particularly useful for visualizing the individual time series structures that make up each particle of model.
